Yo personalmente odio las listas, tipo los 10 mejores, lo que sea. El que para unos sea el primero para otros igual ni entrarían en la lista. Descarto de plano, ni siquiera las leo. Las listas de críticos literarios. Los cuales en muchos casos desprecian la novela negra y el thriller. En aras de digamos literatura más profunda o más coñazo.

Las únicas recomendaciones que sigo es la de lectores anónimos que solo opinan desde su propio gusto personal. Cosa que me ha permitido disfrutar de lecturas nada conocidas, nada publicitadas. Sencillamente buenísimas.

Si ya te vas a recomendaciones de lectores varias y hay títulos que coinciden en todas. Pues la cosa cambia y lo más seguro es que no haya decepción.

Después de revisar varias listas de libros recomendados. Os ponga aleatoriamente, no hay ningún orden de calidad o votos. Algunos de los thrillers si están publicados en Español y por desgracia otros estamos a la espera.

No he leído todos, ni mucho menos. Pero los que no, y están en Español, van a la lista de futuras lecturas.

La paciente silenciosa de [Alex Michaelides]
Alicia Berenson, una pintora de éxito, dispara cinco tiros en la cabeza de su marido, y no vuelve a hablar nunca más. Su negativa a emitir palabra alguna convierte una tragedia doméstica en un misterio que atrapa la imaginación de toda Inglaterra.
Theo Faber, un ambicioso psicoterapeuta forense obsesionado con el caso, está empeñado en desentrañar el misterio de lo que ocurrió aquella noche fatal y consigue una plaza en The Grove, la unidad de seguridad en el norte de Londres a la que Alicia fue enviadahace seis años y en la que sigue obstinada en su silencio. Pronto descubre que el mutismo de la paciente está mucho más enraizado de lo que pensaba. Pero, si al final hablara, ¿estaría dispuesto a escuchar la verdad?
yoola tiene un serio problema con sus novios: cuando se cansa de ellos, cuando le decepcionan, o a veces sin motivo aparente, los mata. Ya lleva tres, lo cual la convierte, en cierta manera, en una asesina en serie. La única que lo sabe es su hermana Korede, que movida por un amor fraternal cada vez más en el alambre, ha ayudado a Ayoola a eliminar pistas, cubrir sus pasos y, en definitiva, evitar que se descubra que aquellas misteriosas desapariciones de hombres jóvenes que se están produciendo en Lagos llevan su marca letal. Por si la situación no fuera suficientemente complicada, Korede contempla horrorizada cómo su hermana empieza a salir con el hombre de sus sueños –el médico del hospital en que trabaja como enfermera–, por lo que deberá replantearse su rol de cómplice, si no quiere que este triángulo amoroso termine en un baño de sangre. A partir de estas dos hermanas peculiares, con personalidades opuestas y maneras muy distintas de integrarse en la jerarquía social –Korede representa el esfuerzo, el control, el respeto a las normas; Ayoola es anárquica, visceral, irresponsable, pero libre
Otra vuelta de llave de [Ruth Ware]
Aunque Rowan está buscando algo totalmente distinto, ese anuncio parece una oportunidad demasiado buena para dejarla escapar: un puesto de niñera con un salario increíble y alojamiento incluido. Y cuando llega a Heatherbrae House, en los bellísimos highlands de Escocia, se queda impresionada ante una casa equipada con las tecnologías más modernas y la preciosa familia de postal que vive en ella.
Lo que Rowan aún no sabe es que se está adentrando en una pesadilla, que acabará con un niño muerto y con ella en prisión acusada de asesinato.
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Two brothers meet at the border of their vast cattle properties under the unrelenting sun of outback Queensland, in this stunning new standalone novel from New York Times bestseller Jane Harper

They are at the stockman’s grave, a landmark so old, no one can remember who is buried there. But today, the scant shadow it casts was the last hope for their middle brother, Cameron. The Bright family’s quiet existence is thrown into grief and anguish. Something had been troubling Cameron. Did he lose hope and walk to his death? Because if he didn’t, the isolation of the outback leaves few suspects…
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When Jessica Farris signs up for a psychology study conducted by the mysterious Dr. Shields, she thinks all she’ll have to do is answer a few questions, collect her money, and leave. But as the questions grow more and more intense and invasive and the sessions become outings where Jess is told what to wear and how to act, she begins to feel as though Dr. Shields may know what she’s thinking…and what she’s hiding. As Jess’s paranoia grows, it becomes clear that she can no longer trust what in her life is real, and what is one of Dr. Shields’ manipulative experiments. Caught in a web of deceit and jealousy, Jess quickly learns that some obsessions can be deadly.
After the sudden death of his wife, Tom Kennedy believes a fresh start will help him and his young son Jake heal. A new beginning, a new house, a new town. Featherbank.

But the town has a dark past. Twenty years ago, a serial killer abducted and murdered five residents. Until Frank Carter was finally caught, he was nicknamed «The Whisper Man,» for he would lure his victims out by whispering at their windows at night.

Just as Tom and Jake settle into their new home, a young boy vanishes. His disappearance bears an unnerving resemblance to Frank Carter’s crimes, reigniting old rumors that he preyed with an accomplice. Now, detectives Amanda Beck and Pete Willis must find the boy before it is too late, even if that means Pete has to revisit his great foe in prison: The Whisper Man.

And then Jake begins acting strangely. He hears a whispering at his window…
She’s addicted to drugs and to an abusive boyfriend. And she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to be found.

Then, by chance, you see her playing guitar in Central Park. But she’s not the girl you remember. This woman is living on the edge, frightened, and clearly in trouble.

You don’t stop to think. You approach her, beg her to come home.

She runs.

And you do the only thing a parent can do: you follow her into a dark and dangerous world you never knew existed. Before you know it, both your family and your life are on the line. And in order to protect your daughter from the evils of that world, you must face them head on.
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No visitors. No nights spent away from the apartment. No disturbing the other residents, all of whom are rich or famous or both. These are the only rules for Jules Larsen’s new job as an apartment sitter at the Bartholomew, one of Manhattan’s most high-profile and mysterious buildings. Recently heartbroken and just plain broke, Jules is taken in by the splendor of her surroundings and accepts the terms, ready to leave her past life behind.

As she gets to know the residents and staff of the Bartholomew, Jules finds herself drawn to fellow apartment sitter Ingrid, who comfortingly, disturbingly reminds her of the sister she lost eight years ago. When Ingrid confides that the Bartholomew is not what it seems and the dark history hidden beneath its gleaming facade is starting to frighten her, Jules brushes it off as a harmless ghost story—until the next day, when Ingrid disappears.

Searching for the truth about Ingrid’s disappearance, Jules digs deeper into the Bartholomew’s dark past and into the secrets kept within its walls. Her discovery that Ingrid is not the first apartment sitter to go missing at the Bartholomew pits Jules against the clock as she races to unmask a killer, expose the building’s hidden past, and escape the Bartholomew before her temporary status becomes permanent.
How far will you go to protect your family? Will you keep their secrets? Ignore their lies?

In a small town in Virginia, a group of people know each other because they’re part of a special treatment center, a hyperbaric chamber that may cure a range of conditions from infertility to autism. But then the chamber explodes, two people die, and it’s clear the explosion wasn’t an accident.

A showdown unfolds as the story moves across characters who are all maybe keeping secrets, hiding betrayals. Was it the careless mother of a patient? Was it the owners, hoping to cash in on a big insurance payment and send their daughter to college? Could it have been a protester, trying to prove the treatment isn’t safe?
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From the moment Lucy met Diana, she was kept at arm’s length. Diana is exquisitely polite, but Lucy knows, even after marrying Oliver, that they’ll never have the closeness she’d been hoping for.

But who could fault Diana? She was a pillar of the community, an advocate for social justice, the matriarch of a loving family. Lucy had wanted so much to please her new mother-in-law.

That was ten years ago. Now, Diana has been found dead, leaving a suicide note. But the autopsy reveals evidence of suffocation. And everyone in the family is hiding something…
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell
Soon after her twenty-fifth birthday, Libby Jones returns home from work to find the letter she’s been waiting for her entire life. She rips it open with one driving thought: I am finally going to know who I am.

She soon learns not only the identity of her birth parents, but also that she is the sole inheritor of their abandoned mansion on the banks of the Thames in London’s fashionable Chelsea neighborhood, worth millions. Everything in Libby’s life is about to change. But what she can’t possibly know is that others have been waiting for this day as well—and she is on a collision course to meet them.

Twenty-five years ago, police were called to 16 Cheyne Walk with reports of a baby crying. When they arrived, they found a healthy ten-month-old happily cooing in her crib in the bedroom. Downstairs in the kitchen lay three dead bodies, all dressed in black, next to a hastily scrawled note. And the four other children reported to live at Cheyne Walk were gone.
Como una mañana cualquiera, Rachel deja a su hija en la parada del autobús. Pero una llamada de un número desconocido lo cambia todo: una mujer le informa que tiene a Kylie secuestrada y que, si quiere verla de nuevo, deberá seguir sus instrucciones al pie de la letra: primero, pagar un rescate; segundo, secuestrar a otro niño. Quien llama es también una madre cuyo hijo ha sido secuestrado, y si Rachel no cumple con las reglas, el niño morirá, y su hija también.
Rachel ya forma parte de La Cadena, un mecanismo que convierte a padres de familia en víctimas y a su vez en criminales, y que está haciendo a alguien muy rico en el proceso. Ella es una mujer corriente, pero en pocas horas los acontecimientos la llevarán hasta límites impensables y la obligarán a hacer algo terrible.

Los creadores de La Cadena saben que unos padres harán todo lo que está en sus manos por sus hijos. Pero no contaban con cruzarse en el camino de una mujer decidida, valiente y superviviente como Rachel. Porque, si alguien puede romperla, ésa es ella.
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One August afternoon, on the shoreline of the north-eastern edge of Russia, two sisters are abducted. In the ensuing weeks, then months, the police investigation turns up nothing. Echoes of the disappearance reverberate across a tightly woven community, with the fear and loss felt most deeply among its women.

Set on the remote Siberian peninsula of Kamchatka, Disappearing Earth draws us into the world of an astonishing cast of characters, all connected by an unfathomable crime. We are transported to vistas of rugged beauty – densely wooded forests, open expanses of tundra, soaring volcanoes and the glassy seas that border Japan and Alaska – and into a region as complex as it is alluring, where social and ethnic tensions have long simmered, and where outsiders are often the first to be accused.
What happened to Amanda Holmes?

Twenty years ago, she was found bludgeoned in a rowboat at the MacAllister family’s Camp Macaw. No one was ever charged with the crime.

Now, after their parents’ sudden deaths, the MacAllister siblings return to camp to read the will and decide what to do with the prime real estate the camp occupies. Ryan needs to sell. Margaux hasn’t made up her mind. Mary believes in leaving well enough alone. Kate and Liddie—the twins—have opposing views. And Sean Booth, the groundskeeper, just hopes he still has a home when all is said and done.

But it’s more complicated than a simple vote. The will stipulates that until they unravel the mystery of what happened to Amanda, they can’t settle the estate. Any one of them could have done it, and each one is holding a piece of the puzzle. Will they work together to finally discover the truth, or will their secrets finally tear the family apart?

Nos siguen llegando buenos thrillers traducidos, y siguen sin llegar muchos buenos. En el 2019 el domestic noir sigue fuerte y parece que en el 2020 seguirá. Personalmente pienso que se escribe mucho en ese genero y que empieza a faltar originalidad. No falta el niño o niña desaparecida, los vecinos sospechosos y la gente que es una cosa muy diferente de lo que aparentan. Supongo que son tramas que siempre funcionan. Pero un poco de originalidad nunca bien mal.


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